Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Day 18: 9/29/11 - "The Crow and the Butterfly"

"Man, I'm getting older
I took all your pictures off the wall

and wrapped them in a news paper blanket

I haven't slept in what seems like a century,
and now I can barely breathe"

- "The Crow and the Butterfly" by Shinedown

Vegan Vs. Vegetarian: Yes, I know what the difference is but sometimes things slip through the cracks, like when a student is too embarrassed to say anything in front of her class because everyone else is excited about the free pizza they are getting for lunch. So, what does her instructor do? I take her down to the Subway which is downstairs and buy her vegan sandwich. Thank goodness for Subway! I wanted to post a picture of my class but didn't want to do anything that might embarrass them without their permission. They looked so cute posing for their picture...and so young. Check out the pic to see all that was left of the pizza (all that I could wrest from their greedy, grubby little hands).

From the Hip: I'm seriously not liking this pain I'm starting to feel in my left hip. The pain seems to get worse after I sit down for a long time and is sharpest when I try to get up. It takes a while for me to work the "kinks" out and even after moving around for a while, I still feel a dull ache. Starting to think this is something that is going to need to be checked out soon!

Biological Clocks: Yep, mine is ticking...but it has been for quite some time now. What I'm thinking about now is whether or not it ticks slower as you get older (as if it will stop soon), or if it ticks faster (as if it is racing until it stops). Either one is a daunting thought (and depressing as well). All I can really do is wait and see what life has in store for me. A biological clock that will just one day stop ticking or one that will always tick on, even in my memories, as a way of haunting me (think Captain Hook from Peter Pan).

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