Thursday, December 20, 2012

Year 2, Day 100: 12/20/12

If This is It: The world is supposed to end tomorrow.  I'm not worried though.  Why?  Well, partly because I don't think anything is going to happen.  But also partly because if the world is going to end, its not like there is anything I can do about it.  So freaking out and trying to change things isn't going to do anything except cause problems when you realize that NOTHING IS HAPPENING.  Grow up people - the craziness is of our own making and if this world is going to end, it is because we have killed it with our greed and hatred.

Too Old To Shift Books: It's funny how as a student assistant, shifting books, reshelving, etc. was no big deal.  Today I did it for about 4 hours and I'm so sour right now!  My thumbs, in particular, are really hurting (from grabbing the heavy books and moving them).  Tomorrow I'll help again and get covered in disgusting dirt (since the shelves haven't been cleaned in years and they are nasty!).  No wonder no one wants to use a book - I wouldn't want to be covered in dirt either!

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