Monday, December 24, 2012

Year 2, Day 102 - Day 104: 12/22/12 - 12/24/12

Lumping it All Together: I've never lumped any of my days together, but if there was ever a time to do that, it has been the last 3 days.  They have been momentous, for some odd reasons.  But they have also been enlightening.  Here is my rundown.

Day 102: 12/22/12 - I finally managed to meet up with Elaina for lunch, something we had talked about for a while now.  We decided to meet 1/2 way between where she was meeting and where I lived, and ended up in Brickell.  We wound up eating at a place called Dolores, but you can call me Lolita.  The prices weren't bad for that location and the sandwich was pretty good too (though completely bad for me).  It was good to talk to Elaina for a bit and also to enjoy one of the cooler days we've had in Miami.  We also hit the little farmer's market they have there.  Did you know there is a fruit out there that actually tastes and looks like chocolate pudding?  I'm so not kidding.  I think it is called the Sapote, but don't quote me on that.  Not that I bought one (wouldn't know what to do with it), but thought it was interesting.

Day 103: 12/23/12 - Getting ready to go home can be so tough, when you now live in a summer all the time environment and have to go to a winter environment.  I have to pack sweaters and long pants, along with the running gear, which takes up so much space.  Then there are my shoes, and my whole bag of knitting supplies.  That's right, one whole bag of knitting supplies.  I'm on a mission to make 5 different things while I'm home and I think I can do it.  But I also plan to stay busy - I'm going to need to, so that I don't think about some of the things that have been bothering me lately.

Day 104: 12/24/12 - Twas the day before Christmas and all through the house, everything smelled like cajun food, and we didn't even have a mouse (okay, so that was a bad rhyme, but it worked).  We decided to have a Cajun/Creole Christmas, with me doing all of the cooking.  So I made gumbo, jambalaya, Shrimp Étouffée, and red beans and rice.  And I AM TIRED!  But I got to spend time with my family and see my 9 year old nephew (I haven't seen him in 3 years or so).  Oh, and I'm also broke now.  Merry Christmas to me!

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