Monday, December 10, 2012

Year 2, Day 90: 12/10/12

What Makes Me Happy: I had to step back today and really look at myself as I realized that I had been a bit down and sad all day.  Until I starting giving out batches of chocolate chip cookies to different people in the Libraries.  I watched as they started eating the cookies...and couldn't stop.  I then walked across campus and delivered cookies to two new people I had met in the College of Business.  I hope they liked them, but that wasn't the important part.  The important part was the fact that I left after delivering those cookies with the first real smile on my face that I had experienced all day.  I found that both sad and enlightening.  Sad, because I was happy about something that was not my career or my day to day activities.  Enlightened because I finally realized what truly made me happy (or at least one of the things that truly makes me happy).  It was a nice feeling after a very trying day.

Pissing Others Off: Yep, I did that today as well.  It wasn't intentional but I knew it was coming, though I was surprised by which person it was.  I almost snapped at them and I did raise my voice slightly (yes, in anger - because they were trying to cause problems after the fact...after the topic had been discussed and decided on...after they had been given the chance to really express their concerns...and after we had decided to give it a try!).  What did I accomplish other than making them mad?  Not sure yet - I'll just have to wait and see.

What Makes Me Happy 2: I came home and baked...even though I was tired and not feeling well.  I had to do it after the realization today.  I also had bananas that needed to be used up.  What did I create?  Slightly Tipsy Banana Cream Cupcakes.  Banana cake with banana cream filling and rum vanilla buttercream. 

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