Monday, December 17, 2012

Year 2, Day 97: 12/17/12

Asking Too Much: There are a lot of things I've been asked to do that I don't always agree with.  But often they are tolerable because they don't really impact me as a person.  But today, I was asked to change my tactics, change my way, and treat people differently...just because I have to tolerate their immaturity.  I don't think this is fair, nor do I think I actually can do it.  I was told to treat them like children, but that's not what they really want me to do.  Because if that were really what they wanted me to do, I would take away all of their "toys," put them all in timeout, and not bother to include them in any conversations before I made a final decision.  The lies that are being told about me are ridiculous.  I'm being told that I'm not respectful enough of the hard work they've done, and that I need to try a different approach.  I say bullshit - they need to grow up.  I don't appreciate having my words twisted and then thrown into my face.  I don't appreciate being treated as if I've done something wrong just because I made a suggestion.  I don't appreciate having my time wasted by people who say one thing to your face, and then turn around and stab you in the back as soon as they can.  What do I think?  I think they can all kiss my ass.  I refuse to have them ruin and dictate my life this way.  It's time for me to make a real change - a major change.  And though I don't know what that is right now, I know it is not going to be catering to them.

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