Thursday, December 27, 2012

Year 2, Day 107: 12/27/12

Disrespect: My father has repeatedly asked his brother not to smoke in the house when I'm visiting.  And now that my nephew is staying here, he has asked him not to smoke in the house at all.  Yesterday, my uncle was smoking in the middle of the day and my Mom noticed.  She told my father who had to go in there and explain to my uncle that he didn't want him smoking in the house at all.  My uncle's excuse for ignoring him that time?  He thought I had gone over to my brother's house with my nephew, so he thought he was free to smoke.  Then tonight, while my nephew and I were sitting and watching tv, he was smoking again.  He thinks that we won't notice, but my nephew and I are both very sensitive to smoke.  My father doesn't smell it, so he has to be told.  I don't want to tell him this time, because he gets upset and goes and tries to talk to his brother.  But we all know that my uncle just doesn't care.  I'm not really as upset about the smoking in terms of how it affects me - what I care about is the disrespect that it shows to my father when my uncle ignores what his brother asks him to do.  My father has worked hard to keep a roof over his head.  He didn't have to allow his brother to move in with him - he just wanted to help him out.  But I'm going to have to tell my father that this is the last time I'm coming to visit him with my uncle here.  I can't deal with his rudeness, his disrespect, and yes, the smoke gets to me as well.  I hate to tell my family that, but I have to think of my own health and I can't allow someone else to put me in danger because they are rude, inconsiderate, and all in all, an asshole.

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