Friday, December 21, 2012

Year 2, Day 101: 12/21/12

A Day of Pain:  Wow, some days should only be meant for staying curled up in a ball in bed and not moving for anything other than another dose of ibruprofen.  Too bad I had to go in and set an example today for the others.  I made it to 2:30 and then had to call it a day.  The pain was finally bearable this afternoon and I managed to do a small workout in the house.  Now its creeping back up on me and I need to just call it a night, but a new book idea popped into my head and the story is fresh.  I can always sleep in late tomorrow!

A Much Needed Break: I need this break I'm getting for the holiday.  I think I was at my wit's end with my job and my life and if anything else had happened, I might have had a nervous breakdown.  Now I can spend some time doing what I want to do and relaxing and being creative, and thinking about what I really need to do with my life.  I hope I get some true clarity - that's all I want from this break time.

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