Saturday, November 3, 2012

Year 2, Day 53: 11/3/12

Creative Day:  I decided to spend today working on my book and knitting.  The end result?  Over 2,000 words on my book, and over 20 rows knitted on my blanket (which is around 2,000 stitches, give or take!).  Overall, not a bad day for my creative projects.  I'm hoping to continue the theme tomorrow and see if I can do the same number of rows and words.  I also managed to clean the living room, partially clean the bedroom, run 6.3 miles, make (and burn) pancakes, and watch lots of football.  Not bad for a Saturday in November!  Tonight I'm enjoying the extra hour from Day Lights Savings Time and sleeping in tomorrow!  Got lots to do and have to keep my momentum up!

1 comment:

Rob Knits said...

Wow! Hurricane Kawanna!