Monday, November 12, 2012

Year 2, Day 62: 11/12/12

An Extra Day at Home...Not Good!  We had an extra day off this weekend for Veteran's Day and while I know I should have enjoyed it more, I must say I felt like I wasted the day!  I did get out for my usual Monday morning run, but by the time I got home I was too tired to do more today.  Then I managed to make my lunch for the week, make egg rolls, use of the leftover rice krispies and marshmallows to make some barely edible rice krispie treats, and knit four rows on the next blanket.  Most would call that productive, but not me.  Oh well, back to work tomorrow and lots to do, so I might as well go to bed and hope for another sunny day.

Self Image - Self Conscious: They go hand in hand with me and I know I have a low self-image of myself, which makes me very self conscious whenever I'm out in public.  I'm trying to work on the former since it should automatically improve the latter, but I'm finding it harder and harder to do.  I'm such a realist and so logical that I have trouble listening to my own suggestions for others when I say don't worry about what society thinks of you.  Its easier said than done!

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