Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Year 2, Day 63: 11/13/12

A Full Day of Research and I Accomplished Nothing for Myself...I know that helping out a faculty member is important and I'm glad I did, but I just spent nearly 6 hours trying to find "concrete" information rather than the iffy information available online.  And even when I found it, it wasn't "concrete" enough.  By the time I got done, I had worked on nothing that I was supposed to and it was already 6pm.  Then I spent 45 minutes in traffic.  I think I can easily call this a wasted day!  Now, to find that answer for him so that I can get on with my own research and work needs tomorrow!

Non-NANOWRIMO: My "I'm not participating in Nanowrimo by participating in Nanowrimo" ploy seems to be working.  The story is moving and the words are flowing (okay, sometimes trickling).  I'm at least still motivated by this story, which I suspect will be important for me actually finishing the story.  Of course, I'm also having odd dreams with my characters showing up (very odd!).  But at least that keeps things fresh in my mind (even if a little oddly "real").

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