Friday, November 9, 2012

Year 2, Day 59: 11/9/12

What a Tough Day!  Today was just tough.  Long meetings, odd meetings, impromptu meetings.  Meetings!  I feel as if I got nothing at all accomplished either.  The day also didn't start out great, after the following sequence of events:
  • Woke up at 2:30am and took another hour to go back to sleep.
  • Went into real sleep right around the time my alarm went off.
  • Knocked alarm off of table trying to turn it off, and somehow my glasses were tangled with the cord, so off the table they went too. Spent the next five minutes blindly scrambling around the floor trying to find them.
  • Forgot to check the temperature and got dressed for my run as if it was already 80 degrees.  Turned back around and changed before heading out.  Hit the gate to get out of the complex and found it to be locked for the first time since I've moved here.  I have a key, but they did not replace the broken knob on the inside, so I couldn't get out.  Luckily we have a treadmill in the fitness center.
  • There was no air blowing in the fitness center, so it was like running in a sauna within 5 minutes.  Then I had to go back out into the cold with no jacket since I didn't expect to be drenched during my run! Also managed to hit my head as I was trying to squeeze between the treadmill and the weight machine.
Too bad I couldn't just go back to bed (no sick leave yet, and had to use it up just for a doctor's appointment).

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