Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Year 2, Day 21: 10/2/12 - "The Sun"

"But I, Cannot forget, 
refuse to regret
So glad I met you and
Take my breath away
Make every day
Worth all of the pain that I've gone through

And Momma, I've been crying
'Cause things ain't how they used to be
She said 'The battles almost won...
And we're only several miles from the son'..."

-"The Sun" by Maroon 5

The Best Thing to Happen to Me Today (TBTHMT): I found out that a friend gets to move back to the place she calls "home"...always good news when friends are happy!

TBTHMT: A friend shared a quote with me from the book "Steal Like An Artist."  I won't repeat the whole thing, but the gist of it was that you should try to remember a good thing from your day so that you dont' dwell on the bad things.  So, in my attempt to do this, I have added TBTHMT as one of the things to do at the top of my list.  I know that today is a bit of a cop out, since it didn't actually happen to me, but I figure it is a good start!  I'll endeavor to make them about me in the future.

Speaking of Leaving: I'm not surprised that my friend has decided to leave where she is working, though I wonder how others are taking it.  The great Exodus of 2012 is in full swing as another person has decided to high tail it out the door.  I wonder if the university is noticing the large number of people who are choosing to leave.  You'd think they would want to look into that, though I seriously doubt it.  It would be interesting if they actually did a true exit interview for the campus (and not the Libraries).  But that is not the way that it works (there or here). 

No Flexibility...At All!!!  You have to be able to go with the flow and be willing to change with the times.  I ran into someone today who is more rigid than anyone I think I've ever run into before.  They truly believe that the job they started 12 years ago should be exactly the same now...no matter that the world has changed and their environment has changed.  They were so focused on the ideal of what librarianship was that they don't see what it is or what it could become.  And they are refusing to see it.  They have no ambition and no motivation to do anything different (they don't care if they never get a raise, a promotion, nothing).  I'm starting to think that these are exactly the type of people who are pulling libraries down.  I'm not saying you should be expected to drop everything and change your life to fit into the way things are now (like I have had to do).  But I am saying don't be so blind to what is going on around you.  Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't mean you can just ignore it.  You become a barricade to progress and stop good things from happening too.  You have to be able to object for a good reason, not because you are scared of what they want you to do.  You need to be able to step back and look at yourself.  I do every day...I may not like what I see, but I take that step back and often it helps me to take a number of steps forward.

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