Thursday, October 18, 2012

Year 2, Day 37: 10/18/12 - "50 Ways to Say Goodbye"

"She went down in an airplane
Fried getting suntanned
Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand...
She met a shark under water
Fell and no one caught her...
She was caught in a mudslide
Eaten by a lion
Got run over by a crappy purple Scion...
She dried up in the desert
Drowned in a hot tub
Danced to death at an east side night club...

-"50 Ways to say Goodbye" by Train

The Train Has Slowed: Not sure it has stopped, but the reorganization train has at least slowed down a little now.  Others expressed some concerns about the timing and how this would impact the search for a new dean.  All good reasons why we shouldn't reorganize at this time.  But since there were people who helped to put together the reorganization document who weren't able to attend today's meeting, I suspect that we haven't heard the last of it.  But for now, the momentum has slowed!

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