Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Year 2, Day 36: 10/17/12 - "Same Mistakes"

"If you could see tomorrow what difference would it make?
Would it be so easy to make the same mistakes?"

-"Same Mistakes" by the Black Lillies

Things Can Only Get Better: I keep saying that to myself since I honestly don't know what worse looks like.   Things are getting very difficult since some more decisions that negatively impact others have been made.  Some people are finally getting frustrated with the actions but they don't know what to do.  It's not like they truly have a say (no matter how much we try to pretend that we do).  It also means that some of that frustration is starting to bleed out into other things, like meetings, and casual conversations.  This week has been tough and will get tougher before it gets easier (and there are only two days left).  What in the world will we do if there is an overhaul of the size that they are currently thinking of implementing.

No More Benadryl!  I had an allergic reaction today to something that touched my skin and was itching madly!  One of my colleagues had some benadryl and was nice enough to let me have it.  I didn't think anything about taking benadryl - I've taken it before and never had issues.  But today, I had the craziest reaction to it - I might as well have had someone give me a shot of heavy pain medication straight in the vain!  I was groggy and twitchy, and oh so sleepy (starting to sound like the seven dwarfs).  I couldn't walk straight and I could barely write. Luckily I snapped out of it but it took about two hours for it to run its course.  Never again!

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