- Job Insecurity: The not knowing is killing me! I keep telling myself to be patient since I can't exactly do anything when I don't know what is going to happen - but it's hard to be sure of yourself when you are new and when things have been happening so quickly.
- Unfinished Knitting: This baby blanket is driving me crazy! I finished the worst of it last night with the long side of the border, but I didn't get it finished tonight, which is what I had hoped for.
- Back Problems: Ever since my lower back started hurting last week, I have been unable to sleep on my back. I had to stop sleeping on my stomach after my thyroid surgery because for some reason it caused pain in my pelvic area. Now my back hurts if I sleep on my back. I try to sleep on my sides but the position doesn't work well for my hips, so I wake up every two to three hours in pain and having to shift to a new position. So glad my medical insurance kicks in tomorrow - I need to go to the doctor because this is getting ridiculous and I need to sleep!
- Stranger in a Strange Land: Okay, so I'm not that strange, but I still don't feel like I quite fit in here yet. I'm not saying I never will, but Miami still feels like a foreign land to me. The people, in general, are so unfriendly; the traffic is awful - and driving skills are non-existent; and I just don't know where my niche is yet. But I'll keep looking...
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Year 2, Day 19: 9/30/12
No Song Today: I just didn't have a song in me today, so I decided to go without (which makes me a little sad). I know myself well, and when I'm not singing or thinking about singing, or listening to the radio (or singing along with the radio), then I'm on the slippery slope of sadness (try saying that three times fast!). At least I recognize the signs and will try my best to snap myself out of it quickly. I know what's making me sad, so I'll blog about them (both large and small) and hope that putting them out there will make me feel better (and help me to sleep):
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Year 2, Day 18: 9/29/12 - "To the Moon and Back"
"She's taking her time making up
the reasons
To justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows from the smile
and the look in their eyes
Everyone's got a theory about the
bitter one..."
the reasons
To justify all the hurt inside
Guess she knows from the smile
and the look in their eyes
Everyone's got a theory about the
bitter one..."
-"To the Moon and Back" by Savage Garden
Can Knitting Cause Carpal Tunnel? I'm starting to wonder after finishing one side of the border on my latest baby blanket. It was the long side and I had to do 20 rows...and it took hours! About 4 hours into it I noticed my wrist was hurting so I changed position (and it helped) but it got me to thinking about all the things I do that could cause wrist and hand issues. I'll have to take care of my hands better since I know I'll want to knit far into the future! I'll post pictures of the blanket tomorrow when I finish it up!
College Football on Saturdays: I know not everyone understands it, but I really do enjoy watching college football on Saturdays and not just the teams I have an affinity for. I like a good game and I love to watch an underdog find a way to win. Today, it was MTSU taking on Georgia Tech down in Atlanta and coming out with a convincing victory! I was yelling at the TV as if I went to MTSU (and I almost did). It really was more about being glad that they played well and that college football is getting closer and closer to parity than ever before. Of course, who knows if that is true or if it was really just a fluke on the part of how badly Georgia Tech played. I'll keep watching to find out!
Friday, September 28, 2012
Year 2, Day 17: 9/28/12 - "Free"
"Working for something that I can't touch and sometimes can't even believe in...
Cradled by the hands of fate the faith that sometimes wraps around too tight - so tight
They call me free
But I call me a fool..."
Cradled by the hands of fate the faith that sometimes wraps around too tight - so tight
They call me free
But I call me a fool..."
-"Free" by Train
Deja Vu: Somethings you don't want to experience again but they often happen over and over. I know that better than many. My life has become a series of "agains" and each time I go into a situation with good faith that what I signed up for is what I'll get. Not the case...again. I started thinking about other things that happen all the time and I know how odd it sounds, but as I was reading a sports story about Keyon Dooling, who has decided to retire from the NBA despite being a wanted player, I found myself staring at words he spoke and seeing something eerily similar to something I wrote a few years ago:
"They don't know how many people call my phone begging for money every day. They don't know how many people call me asking for advice. They don't know how many people rely on me to be happy when they're down. They don't understand the grind that mentally I have to go through to be this man I am every day.What worries me is that this story is about Keyon reaching his breaking point and I am now forced to wonder when I will reach mine. The difference? Keyon can afford to retire...I can't...
"I just gave out too much and I wasn't getting enough back . . ." - Keyon Dooling
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Year 2, Day 16: 9/27/12 - "What Do I Have to Do"
"This is my third town,
God, let it be the last one
Start a new job Monday,
I need a little time not to run.
Just when I think it's over,
starting over...
What do I have to do?
What do I have to do?
Where do I have to go?
This losing game I'm playing,
smile I'm faking,
road I'm taking...
-"What Do I Have to Do" by Martina McBride
Restructuring: That word makes me sick to my stomach, because most of us know what it really means (that some people are going to lose their jobs, or have their jobs changed). I heard that word today, only 9 days into my new job and I immediately felt my heart sink. And it wasn't just that word (for those who think that I'm over-reacting). The actions have spoken loudly as well. Two people in the administration have been "relieved" of their jobs. One AD has been sent to the other campus (though this one was not actually seen as bad). The other has had their schedule changed. And the "middle management" have been told that they will be meeting and discussing things with the interim dean next. No one knows what is going to happen next, but most of us aren't expecting it to be good. I'll admit that I'm scared because there are no guarantees. I don't know what I'll do if my job is changed dramatically (NOT AGAIN!!!!). I'll try not to worry about it. Until I have my meeting and everything shakes out, there is nothing I can do but the job I've been hired to do.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Year 2, Day 15: 9/26/12 - "Everybody Talks"
"I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
I found out that everybody talks
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Never thought I'd live to see the day
When everybody's words got in the way..."
I found out that everybody talks
Everybody talks, everybody talks
Never thought I'd live to see the day
When everybody's words got in the way..."
-"Everybody Talks" by Neon Trees
And The Hits Just Keep Coming! I had my first AT meeting today and low and behold, the first announcement made by the interim dean was that someone who played a key role in the Libraries was "no longer with us as of today." What that actually meant was that the person was let go - the one person who know everything about everything. The one person who could answer just about any question. The one person that most of us agreed we needed to be successful during the transition. Now we are even more up in the air than we were just a couple of weeks ago! Not sure if I'm seeing the whole picture yet, so I'm trying to reserve judgment, but it sure as hell looks like people outside of the Libraries are controlling what they don't understand (when they don't even know how to do the other things they are supposed to do). Of course, they have the help of a small select few who have their claws in the people who are making decisions, an they are running things through their puppets. Wish me luck in the near future - something tells me I'm going to need even more than I expected!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Year 2, Day 14: 9/25/12 - "Shinin' On Me"
"Today the sun is shinin’ on me
Sitting with my feet in the breeze
Ain’t sweating the little things
And who knows what tomorrow is gonna bring
But today, the sun is shinin’ on me..."
-"Shinin' On Me" by Jerrod Niemann
The Cost of Living: And no, I don't mean the cost of living, as in what I pay for rent, gas, food, etc. in Miami (though that truly is a higher number than I want to think about). No, I'm talking about the costs you incur by interacting with people, by having relationships, by trying to fit in. Sometimes these costs are necessary and other times they just seem frivolous. Now, whether something is frivolous is usually set by the person trying to fit in, live their life, etc. What is frivolous to one is necessary to others. It's just like life, really...only harder to think and talk about. The cost of living has been very high for me...I hope that it will go down soon.
If There is Every An Emergency, We Are All Goners! I'm referring to only when I'm at the Libraries. Today I sat through a "tenants" meeting and we discussed the issues they have with clearing the library when their is a fire drill (or a real emergency). Needless to say, the campus police are useless, the safety people are useless, and everyone else wants to do nothing! If we every have an emergency, someone is going to die...I'm not playing. That will likely be the only way they will get around to fixing the issues they have. There are too many people in the building and not enough exits for them all. The exits they do have are not easily marked. There is no emergency plan in place in terms of clearing the building safely. Oh, and the students are stupid...which is the same everywhere. Their biggest issue? "We have people who just don't want to help and refuse to." They refuse to do their jobs? Are you kidding me? The police said they weren't responsible for making sure the building was clear. I pray that I never need their help!!!! And your staff? You get to tell them what their responsibilities are! If they say "I can't do that" then you tell them that they can't work there! OMG!!!!!!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Year 2, Day 13: 9/24/12 - "Next To Me"
"I've got this second chance, I'm gonna take it
I've got this song and dance, I'm gonna take it
I've got all that I need and I can taste it"
I've got this song and dance, I'm gonna take it
I've got all that I need and I can taste it"
-"Next To Me" by Civil Twilight
3 Months...That's It! That's how much time I'm going to devote to trying Match.com again. I can't sit around Miami waiting for someone to talk to me. I don't care how many people met their significant others in the grocery store, at the bar, etc. That isn't about to happen to me. But I tried Match in Texas and it was a total disaster! I did the 6 month subscription and actually managed to earn the free 6 months. I didn't get ONE date...not one!!!! Will Miami be different? I don't know. So far I've been contacted by 4 men...and none of them could even send a single coherent e-mail message. They also couldn't read, apparently. See, I actually take a person's profile to heart. If your profile says you are looking for a Caucasian woman who is shorter than 5'10" and slender to athletic and toned, then I'm not going to contact you! So if my profile says you must be at least 6'0" tall, then don't contact me when you are 5'7"! I'm just not comfortable with that much of a height different. One guy didn't even send me a message, he copied and pasted the page where he was asking Match.com to remove someone else's profile. WTF!!! Oh well, 3 months is along time and it ends right before Christmas. If I don't find someone by then, then I'll have to try something else that does not include my hard earned money!
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Year 2, Day 12: 9/23/12 - "Foolish Heart"
"I need a love that's strong
I'm so tired of being alone
But will my lonely heart play the part
Of the fool again
Before I begin
Foolish heart, hear me calling
Stop before you start falling
Foolish heart, heed my warning
You've been wrong before
Don't be wrong any more..."
I'm so tired of being alone
But will my lonely heart play the part
Of the fool again
Before I begin
Foolish heart, hear me calling
Stop before you start falling
Foolish heart, heed my warning
You've been wrong before
Don't be wrong any more..."
-"Foolish Heart" by Steve Perry
Not So Lazy Sunday: My Sundays are turning into very busy days for me. Why do I save all of my cooking, baking, and cleaning for today? The only positive reason I can think of is that I'm tiring myself out so that I won't stay up too late and not get any rest for work tomorrow. Either way, I'm tired now and feel like I accomplished something (what, I don't know!) but I've accomplished something! Off to bed now. Here is the cake that I baked....go ahead and start drooling. Just a simple chocolate cake - I replaced half of the butter with applesauce, part of the sugar with Splenda, and it still came out moist and tasty.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Year 2, Day 11: 9/22/12 - "I Choose"
"Because you never know where life is gonna take you
and you can't change where you've been...
...I gotta get this off of my chest, I gotta let it go today.
I was always too concerned about what everybody would think.
But I can't live for everybody, I gotta live my life for me...
and you can't change where you've been...
...I gotta get this off of my chest, I gotta let it go today.
I was always too concerned about what everybody would think.
But I can't live for everybody, I gotta live my life for me...
...(And I choose) to be the best that I can be.
(I choose) to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose..."
(I choose) to be authentic in everything I do.
My past don't dictate who I am. I choose..."
-"I Choose" by India Arie
Choices, Decisions...It's all the same, either way you have to do something. Go one direction or another. I'm in the middle of having to do that right now and I'm scared. Because every time I've tried to do something in this area in the past, I've failed. And I don't know if I can take another failure right now. There is just too much going on right now for me to make a mistake and this decision, either way, could be a mistake. I don't like being indecisive because it makes me feel like I'm letting others dictate my life for me. And you can't accomplish anything if you do nothing. I think I'll sleep on it one more night and hope that I'll feel like going in one direction or the other tomorrow.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Year 2, Day 10: 9/21/12 - "You Spin Me Round"
"You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round..."
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round..."
-"You Spin Me Round" by Dead or Alive
Giant Spinning Cubes: You never know what you'll see on the FIU campus and today while I was lunching and people watching, I noticed some students standing next to the giant black cube sculpture sitting near the library. All of a sudden the 3 of them go to an edge and start pushing and low and behold..the darn thing actually spins! Apparently they call it "Marty's Cube" and it is supposed to be spun. It's also supposed to be good luck to spin it 24 hours before a test.
First Week Done: It seemed like it flew by (thankfully), but my first week at FIU is over and I have survived it...I think. There is still so much to do as I prep for next week! So many things to get into place, and so many hurdles to get over. I know I can do it, I just hope my heart will be in it.
Whoo Hoo - I Can Vote! My voter registration card came in the mail today (see my proof below). Looks like my location is pretty close by...a church of all places! So much for separation of church and state!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Year 2, Day 9: 9/20/12 - "Fake It"
"Who’s to know if your soul will fade at all?
The one you sold to fool the world
You lost your self-esteem along the way...
...Fake it, if you’re out of direction
Fake it, if you don't belong, yeah...
...You should know that the lies won't hide your flaws
No sense in hiding all of yours
You gave up on your dreams along the way, yeah...
...I can fake with the best of anyone
I can fake with the best of them all...
...Whoa, you’re such a fuckin’ hypocrite"
"Fake It" by Seether
2 1/2 Hours of Commuting...I Hope Not! I spent the day at the BBC where the Hubert Library is. It was my chance to reintroduce myself to some of the staff and faculty I had met when I interviewed an also my chance to meet some staff who were unable to come to any of the meetings during my interview. The only problem with going to the BBC is that it is in North Miami and I live in South Miami. So I set out at 8:00am this morning and arrived at 9:25am! Now, in case you are wondering, the BBC is not really that far from where I live - probably around 35 miles depending on which direction I go. But the traffic in Miami is so bad, that even on the turnpikes (which I call the parking lots) you are stop and go almost the entire way! There is so much jockeying for position that I think people are slowed down by the simple fact that others cannot drive! In case you are wondering, the drive home was even worse - I left the BBC at 5:35pm and made it home at 6:50 pm. And let's not talk about the damage to my gas tank! Luckily I'm not based at the BBC and I'm not required to go there weekly. I hope that I'll be able to get out there from time to time, but I'll also aim for different times of the day for arrival and departure!
Missing My Friends/Colleagues at JCLC: Watching all of the posts from JCLC is making me sad - I really wish I could be there. I had originally planned to attend but when I set my move and start date for Miami, I just couldn't swing it. No way was I going to be able to disappear on the 3rd day of my first week...plus I have no money since I used it all to move! I hope everyone has fun without me (no doubt they will). I was also really hoping to see Kansas City - would have been another first for me. :-(
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Year 2, Day 8: 9/19/12 - "Shadow Days"
"Did you know that you could be wrong
And swear you’re right?
Some people been known to do it
All their lives
But you find yourself alone
Just like you found yourself before...
Hard times help me see
I’m a good [wo]man with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I’m right here, and I’m right now
And I’m hoping, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now..."
And swear you’re right?
Some people been known to do it
All their lives
But you find yourself alone
Just like you found yourself before...
Hard times help me see
I’m a good [wo]man with a good heart
Had a tough time, got a rough start
But I finally learned to let it go
Now I’m right here, and I’m right now
And I’m hoping, knowing somehow
That my shadow days are over
My shadow days are over now..."
-"Shadow Days" by John Mayer
Half-Way There: I just realized when I got home today that I was halfway through my first week! Only two more days (one that includes a visit to the "beside the beach" campus, and then the weekend to recuperate and figure out what my next steps will be. I sat in my first meeting today and will have lots of them tomorrow.
The Things Students Say: I overheard the following two things from female students on campus.
Girl 1: "Look at you! You look so tan!"Since when does having a nice tan equal looking black? And, I would like to add, she wasn't that dark! I found this very confusing.
Girl 2: "I know, right? I look black!"
Girl 1: "Did you remember to sign in?"Yes, you read that correctly...she said chillax (which is obviously the shortening of chill & relax). But really? Has this generation gotten that lazy that they are now using even obscure lingo in their day to day lives? We'll just have to wait and see...
Girl 2: No, I just came here to chillax."
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Year 2, Day 7: 9/18/12 - "Unity"
"They say it’s never too late
To stop being afraid
And there is no one else here
So why should I wait?
And in the blink of an eye the past begins to fade
So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
And your moment of truth
Is the day that you say “I’m not scared”..."
To stop being afraid
And there is no one else here
So why should I wait?
And in the blink of an eye the past begins to fade
So have you ever been caught in a sea of despair?
And your moment of truth
Is the day that you say “I’m not scared”..."
-"Unity" by Shinedown
Surprise, Surprise (Think Gomer Pyle...) So I officially started my job today (ignoring yesterday's orientation), and immediately got knocked for a loop...We have an interim Dean - the person I met is no longer with the Libraries. What?!? No one told me before I arrived, so it was a bit of a bombshell. They jokingly said that they didn't tell me because they didn't want me to not come. As if I had any other option! I had already given up my job and moved - its not like I could just say, "Oh well, back to Texas!). Luckily for me, I didn't take the job because of the Dean. Unluckily for me, it sounds like we aren't going to have much say in whom they choose - they really aren't involving a lot of the library people in the decision, not asking us many questions as they search. Also, a little birdie has told me what they are looking for, and if they find it, we may be in a world of trouble!
Proof That I Attended Orientation...And Meat Roary! In case anyone was thinking I ditched my orientation yesterday, here is proof! Yes, they made us take a picture - I'm hiding in the back...where else would you put the tall people?
Monday, September 17, 2012
Year 2, Day 6: 9/17/12 - "Stay Gone"
"Stay, stay right where you are
I like it this way, it's good for my heart.
I haven't felt like this, in God knows how long
I know everything's going to be okay
If you just stay gone..."
-"Stay Gone" by Jimmy Wayne
When Orientation Isn't Orientating at All! Today was my FIU orientation and I left feeling as if nothing was accomplished. Usually during orientation, you get your benefits in order, sign your paperwork, and of course, find out about the mission, vision, etc. of the university. We did the latter but not the former. I still have to do all of my benefits sign ups before a certain date, or I don't get coverage. And get this, they don't have immediate coverage here - I don't get coverage until October 1st and that's only if I get my form in and pay for it up front (that's right, no payroll deduction allowed). Of course, that means I pulled a muscle in my back tonight when I got home (I blame those chairs they had us sitting in all day). So hopefully this will get better quickly because I can't go to the doctor anyway unless I want to just pay straight up. Here is also what happened during orientation today:
- There was no parking and no information on parking given to me beforehand. When I got there I had to pay for metered parking so that I could go in and find out what to do. They gave me a temporary parking pass (yay!) but there were no available slots at the building where the orientation was scheduled, so I had to venture out on campus on my first day. I got lucky and found a spot, but really FIU?
- Continental breakfast is more than a pastry! Could we at least have had some fruit or some juice? And no snacks? I was starving by the time lunch rolled around and then again by the time we left. Luckily I brought my own fiber bar and apple - but what if I hadn't? I'd likely have passed out!
- I don't get a paycheck until the end of the 1st week of October, which means I'm screwed in terms of paying my rent and my bills that always come due at the beginning of the month. I'm not sure yet what I'm going to do but I'll have to figure something out. I blasted through my savings on the move (deposits, etc.) and I know there is no way I'll get my reimbursement by then (it took them nearly 3 weeks to reimburse me for my interview trip). I definitely don't need this stress right now (especially since I can't go to the doctor if anything goes wrong!). I'm trying to think things through and I'm hoping something will come to me by the end of this week - I'll have another week to do something before I run into a major issue.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Year 2, Day 5: 9/16/12 - "When The Stars Go Blue"
"Where do you go when you're lonely?
Where do you go when you're blue?
Where do you go when you're lonely?
I'll follow you when the stars go blue..."
-"When The Stars Go Blue" by Tim McGraw
Butterflies with Razors For Wings: I swear that's what I have in my stomach right now and tomorrow's just my orientation! You'd think I was being asked to walk the plank, or swim with sharks, or some other deadly thing that also involved water (sorry, been having a lot of water dreams/nightmares lately). I'm already dreading having to get up in the morning and actually go somewhere (that's what happens when I give myself time off!). But I know that I have to get back to it and get prepared for the work ahead. I can only hope that things will work out - I'm trying to be positive and remind myself that I'm a smart and capable woman who can do anything she sets her mind to...but part of me is disputing that pretty vehemently (hence, the butterflies with razors for wings that I have in my stomach). I hope the optimistic, encouraging voice wins out!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Year 2, Day 4: 9/15/12 - "Too Good To Be True"
"Too good to be true
Like diamonds on the soles of my shoes
Like money falling outta the blue
Don't be fooled..."
Like diamonds on the soles of my shoes
Like money falling outta the blue
Don't be fooled..."
-"Too Good To Be True" by Eden's Edge
Let the Countdown Begin: I'm only two days from starting my new job. I'm going through bouts of anxiety right now, which I'm sure is natural, but it sure doesn't feel good! I felt like I was having a panic attack at one point while I was out at the store and I had to stop and force myself to breathe through it. I know some of my hesitation and trepidation won't go away until I actually start work. I'm trying to keep my head up and go into this with positive thoughts, but I also can't help feeling as if something is going to go wrong and that I've put myself into another situation that just isn't going to work out.
Why I Love College Football: Watching college football gives me such joy, especially when I get the chance to see a good storyline and a great game. Today, it was cheering on ULM, even though they didn't pull out the victory in the end, they played a hell of a game! They showed that their defeat of Arkansas last week wasn't a fluke (and Auburn should count themselves as lucky to have escaped with a victory). And then there are the Hilltoppers of WKU - can't help but to love watching them beat Kentucky. Oh, how the mighty fall! The big game of the day? Florida vs. Tennessee. It was a great game up until the 3rd quarter when Tennessee forgot how to play and Florida took over. Now I'm watching Stanford try to take out USC...now that would be fun to see!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Year 2, Day 3: 9/14/12 - "Nobody Wants To Be Lonely"
"There you are
In a darkened room
And you're all alone
Looking out the window
Your heart is cold and lost the will to love
Like a broken arrow...
Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry..."
-"Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" by Ricky Martin
Go Marlins! I decided that my final adventure for my birthday week would be a trip to the Marlins' ball park. I did find the park itself to be very nice. It is domed, so it was very comfortable (and I wasn't worried about any threats of rain). But I also felt that it was a little on the small side. Maybe it was just me, though. Here is what I liked about the park:
Here is what I didn't like:
In a darkened room
And you're all alone
Looking out the window
Your heart is cold and lost the will to love
Like a broken arrow...
Nobody wants to be lonely
Nobody wants to cry..."
-"Nobody Wants To Be Lonely" by Ricky Martin
Go Marlins! I decided that my final adventure for my birthday week would be a trip to the Marlins' ball park. I did find the park itself to be very nice. It is domed, so it was very comfortable (and I wasn't worried about any threats of rain). But I also felt that it was a little on the small side. Maybe it was just me, though. Here is what I liked about the park:
- You could get in easily and walk right up to the area where your seats were.
- Most of the seats keep you right near the action.
- Lots of restrooms near each exit.
- Lots of different food choices.
Outside of the stadium |
These giant letters were out there - I never did find out if they spelled something. |
Bobble head display |
I took a picture of the Cubs section - there's Starlin Castro! |
Just a pic of the players warming up. |
A view from my seat. |
Here is what I didn't like:
- Food service was terrible! I stood in line for nearly 10 minutes because someone had made a mistake with the previous order (the people or the staff member, who knows! and the rest of us had to sit there and wait until a manager finally came out to help and asked the people to step to the side so that others could be helped. I ordered a Cuban dish and for $10, it was the worst meal I've ever had at a ball park. Small portions, hastily thrown together, and my chicken was cold. :-(
- No real security: I'm used to having my bag checked when I go to sporting events. I walked up to the gates at the Marlins' park and they only scanned my ticket and let me in. No one asked to check my bag. No one handed me a program. It was a little off-putting.
- Only one big screen visible from my seat and it was almost too far to be very useful to me. Luckily I could see most of the action on the field easily.
- Going to the game by myself. I felt as if there were people just staring at me, wondering why I was there by myself.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Year 2, Day 2: 9/13/12 - "Tired of Being Alone"
"I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of on my own..."
-"Tired of Being Alone" by Al Green
Birthday Week, Day 4: Cuban Food! At the suggestion of a number of friends, I headed off to Little Havana today to try Cuban food for what I think is the first time (I say, I think, because I sometimes don't remember where/what I've eaten over the years!). I went to a place called Versaille (which I found strange since that is definitely a French name/word!). But according to the reviews, they are a definitely a must-eat location. I have to admit that I wasn't overly impressed by the outside, but this is Little Havana, not South Beach. Once inside I was greeted quickly and directed to a small table. The place was packed but it is also a large location with lots of seating options (for big and small groups). They brought out some bread that was already heavily buttered (is this normal for Cuban cuisine?), and some water. I decided on the Yellow Rice & Chicken dish and place my order. I was a little concerned because I had only put an hour and 20 minutes into the parking meter and I had seen a few reviews that said the service was slow. Well, I'm not sure when that person went in, but all I know is that my food was on my table within 5 minutes! Obviously they prepare a lot of the staples each day. My plate came with lots of yellow rice, a large chicken breast, and some sweet plantains. Overall I enjoyed the food - it wasn't too spicy and was well-cooked. I couldn't even finish it, and had to bring the rest home in a doggie bag. It took longer for me to get my check than it did to get my food!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Year 2, Day 1: 9/12/12 - "Only the Lonely"
"So hold on here we go
Hold on to nothin' we know
I feel so lonely way up here
It's like I told you
Only the lonely can play..."
-"Only the Lonely" by The Motels
Another Year Older...I made it through another year, though even I could not have predicted all of the changes that have occurred since this time last year. I never imagined I'd be living in Miami, getting ready to start a new job, and basically starting over again, but that is where I am. It was a strange year, and as I look back at everything, I feel as if I did not truly accomplish anything during that time (mostly within my personal life). I can only hope that my time in Miami will be different and that I'll finally find the time to take care of myself, make some new friends, and maybe, just maybe, find that one person who is meant for me (sorry, that was maudlin, but oh well!). I'll continue my blog as I did last year and chronicle each day, hopefully with more exciting things to come. For now, as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words:
Really, Florida? I went to get my tags for my car today and was told that in Florida, I can't do that until they have my actual title on file...then they will issue me my tags and issue a new title. I didn't have to deal with all that in Texas because apparently Texas is a no-title state. They just want you to register your car - they don't care where the title is. So now I have to wait for them to send the title...and then I can go back, stand in line, and get my tags...which means I'll be spending a Saturday doing that since work starts next week and I'm not taking time off just to get my stupid tags!
Birthday Week, Day 3: My Actual Birthday!!!! I decided to do something culturally engaging today, so at the advice of a friend, I chose to visit a museum. In this case, I chose to go to the Vizcaya Museum & Gardens because it looked interesting and was not too far away. Plus, admission was only $12. My first thought when I saw Vizcaya was that it reminded me a lot of when Jenny and were in France, specifically the Rodin Museum. So I was not surprised when I started reading about Vizcaya, why it was built, and who designed it. The owner and his architects and designers basically transported Europe to Florida and mixed up a number of different time periods into one large house and estate. Unfortunately I was not able to take pictures inside of the house, but here are my thoughts on what I saw:
- I loved the high ceilings...of course, since I'm so tall. But it really did make the house more open and airy. The ceilings themselves were fabulous, and all were differently carves, painted, installed, etc. One of the ceiling apparently was purchased and shipped from Europe...who knew you could buy a ceiling?
- The beds were super small! Of course, people were smaller at the turn of the 20th century, but jeez! I would have need to put two beds together just to find one that almost fit me. It was funny to also see that all of the beds were truly meant for one person...one small person.
- I was more intrigued by the kitchen and work areas than the rest of the house. I'm always interested in where the real action in a house takes place, and the kitchen, to me, is usually that location. It was interesting to see how sparse the design was in these locations, because they were built for function now for viewing. When compared to the rest of the house, they also showed you the true time period, rather than what the owner and architect were trying to create.
- The waste of this place was amazing! I couldn't imagine the cost (in today's dollars) to create what they did back then, and also the uselessness of it all. Though it was beautiful, don't get me wrong. But I just had to shake my head at the opulence.
Statues: I didn't take pictures of all of the statues at Vizcaya because there were just too many. But I did take pictures of quite a few that caught my eye.
The Grounds: The highlight of the visit for me was the grounds. The maze shrubbery sculptures, the fountains, the stone stairways, the gazebos, and so many other things that I can't even remember, were truly beautiful, even as they seemed to be aging before my eyes.
The House: Though I couldn't take any pictures of the inside of the house, I still took some pics of the outside and of the pool...which was gorgeous!
The View: Then there was the view of the bay (or ocean, depending on your viewpoint). You can actually walk down to the bottom of the "pier" and if you wanted to, jump right into the water (or sit and let your feet dangle).
Flowers! There is an orchid garden at Vizcaya that was a little surprise as you are heading away from the house and grounds. You practically stumble onto it and could miss it if you aren't careful.
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