Sunday, September 30, 2012

Year 2, Day 19: 9/30/12

No Song Today: I just didn't have a song in me today, so I decided to go without (which makes me a little sad).  I know myself well, and when I'm not singing or thinking about singing, or listening to the radio (or singing along with the radio), then I'm on the slippery slope of sadness (try saying that three times fast!).  At least I recognize the signs and will try my best to snap myself out of it quickly.  I know what's making me sad, so I'll blog about them (both large and small) and hope that putting them out there will make me feel better (and help me to sleep):
  1. Job Insecurity: The not knowing is killing me!  I keep telling myself to be patient since I can't exactly do anything when I don't know what is going to happen - but it's hard to be sure of yourself when you are new and when things have been happening so quickly.
  2. Unfinished Knitting: This baby blanket is driving me crazy!  I finished the worst of it last night with the long side of the border, but I didn't get it finished tonight, which is what I had hoped for.
  3. Back Problems:  Ever since my lower back started hurting last week, I have been unable to sleep on my back.  I had to stop sleeping on my stomach after my thyroid surgery because for some reason it caused pain in my pelvic area.  Now my back hurts if I sleep on my back.  I try to sleep on my sides but the position doesn't work well for my hips, so I wake up every two to three hours in pain and having to shift to a new position.  So glad my medical insurance kicks in tomorrow - I need to go to the doctor because this is getting ridiculous and I need to sleep!
  4. Stranger in a Strange Land: Okay, so I'm not that strange, but I still don't feel like I quite fit in here yet.  I'm not saying I never will, but Miami still feels like a foreign land to me.  The people, in general, are so unfriendly; the traffic is awful - and driving skills are non-existent; and I just don't know where my niche is yet.  But I'll keep looking...

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