Sunday, September 9, 2012

Day 364: 9/9/12 - "Moves Like Jagger"

"Maybe it's hard
When you feel like you're broken and scarred
Nothing feels right..."

-"Moves Like Jagger" - by Maroon 5

Welcome Back, Peyton: I didn't realize how much I missed watching Peyton Manning play until tonight.  I guess I can join my brother on the Broncos' bandwagon because of Peyton.  And in case you are wondering, yes, I have a crush on Mr. Manning.  I've been a fan of his for a long time and only cheered for UT when he played there.  Peyton is the man!  It was good to see him back out there and to see that he is healthy.  Also, you gotta love his sense of humor, comedic timing, and ability to make fun of himself.  His brother ain't bad either.  Also, thanks Peyton, for showing Michelle Tefoya so much respect by actually using her name.  Men don't know just how much that means...hint...hint...

Oh TV, How I Love Thee...Let Me Count the $$$$  I'm willing to pay for cable because I truly do need the entertainment that TV brings me.  Before anyone gets up on their high horse saying that I should go out and do other things and save my money, look at it this way...It would cost me more to go watch professional sports in person than it is costing me to watch them on TV.  Also, it is not possible for me to be in so many places at one time!

It's My Birthday and I'll....Well, I don't know what I'll do...hopefully not cry!  No way am I going to be sad during my birthday week!  I've asked my FB friends to help me decide on what to do and they've all come up with some good suggestions.  I've decided that tomorrow is shopping day (I need some work stuff and also just to do a little window shopping).  Tuesday might be museum day...not sure yet.  On my actual birthday I think I'll get dressed up and treat myself to dinner...too bad I'll be going out alone, but oh well!  Happy early birthday to me, happy early birthday to me, happy early birthday, dear Kawanna...Happy early birthday to me...

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