Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 109: 12/29/11 - "Everybody"

"Everybody, everybody wants to love
Everybody, everybody wants to be loved ..."

-"Everybody" by Ingrid Michaelson

Why Our Medical System Sucks: Today was another day at the doctor (which sucks because this is my holiday 'break' and I'd rather not spend my time in a doctor's office) and I was pissed off even before I got there.  I had to return a call from someone representing the "hospital" and she said she wanted to pre-register me.  I was confused since I had been to the office already.  She explained that the "cardiac clinic" was part of the hospital and my "procedure" was considered to be an out-patient one.  First of all, I was there for two non-invasive tests not "procedures" but they didn't seem to care about that.  Secondly, the clinic is still where my doctor is so why didn't they already have my information?  And to cap it off - "your part of the payment will be $480.00, would you like to pay for that now over the phone?"  My response?  "No."  I'm not giving them money for something they had not done yet and especially when my insurance hadn't had a chance to kick in yet.  They didn't even ask me about it when I got to the clinic, so I'll just wait for the bill to come in.

9: I watched the animated film "9" today and really liked it.  I visually found it appealing but what I really liked were the different themes and ideas they were able to convey with very few words.  Definitely not a kids' movie but a powerful movie nonetheless.  I was getting ready to watch my next DVD when I realized that it is a post-apocalyptic movie as well...and that my third one is as well.  I'm either in a strange mood or the movie makers are just feeling downright negative right now.

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