Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 110: 12/30/11 - "Love and Addiction"

"Put on your bad self
get out your party dress and
fix up your makeup
try to make a good impression"

-"Love and Addiction" by The Counting Crows

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: I feel like I'm losing ground on some of the good things that I've accomplished lately.  I actually stayed in bed for a full nine hours today, but instead of awaking rested, I was tired for the rest of the day with a headache.  I even took a nap in the afternoon due to my fatigue.  Later, it was like pulling teeth to get myself to go out for a walk and it took me nearly 30 minutes longer than it should have to complete a two mile walk.  I'll have to watch this to see if this is a result of my medication (though my numbers were good the last time they were checked), or if its just the fact that the New Year is bearing down on me.

Runner Girl: Tomorrow I hope to run 8 miles.  I'm trying to hydrate today so that I won't get overly thirsty (a problem of mine).  If I can at least get to 7.5 miles like a few weeks ago, I'll be satisfied, but I definitely want to push myself while the weather is still good.  My knees are definitely hurting just thinking about the pounding they'll take tomorrow, but I also know that I need the exercise and I need to try to accomplish this!

WTF?  I'm starting to catalog the commercials I see that just don't make sense (and no, I don't just mean those that are designed to be funny - I'm talking about those where the premise makes no sense).  Take the latest corona commercial.  The first two that they did made absolute sense - your stuck on a plane for business travel, so you dream of being on a beach enjoying a beer.  You're part of the hustle and bustle of the working class in the city, so you dream of being on a beach enjoying a beer.  Your on a ski vacation..and you dream of being on a beach enjoying a beer???  WTF!  If you are on vacation and want to be on a beach, then take a beach vacation, not a ski vacation!

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