Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 87: 12/07/11 - "All My Friends"

"Thought I might get a rocket ride
When I was a child but it was a lie
That I told myself when I needed something good
At seventeen, had a better dream.
Now I'm thirty-three and it isn't me
But I'd think of something better if I could

All you want is a beauty queen
Not a superstar but everybody's dream machine
All you want is a place to lay your head
You go to sleep dreaming how you would
Be a different kind if you thought you could
But you come awake the way you are instead"

-"All My Friends" by the Counting Crows

Pet Peeves: Okay, I know I've talked about different pet peeves before but I have a new one.  I can't stand it when people are too lazy to return the shopping carts to the carrels.  It's even worse when they don't put them back and the carrel is RIGHT THERE!  Want to add insult to injury?  How about leaving the cart behind someone else's car!  That's what happened tonight while I was at Wal-Mart.  I came out and right behind my car was a shopping cart. Where was the carrel?  Right in front of my car!  I almost had a conniption fit!

Necessary but Painful: I hate getting tests done, especially invasive ones, but today I experienced one that was truly painful.  All my ladies who have experienced a mammogram will know what I mean.  It was my first one and I know they are necessary, but I really wish they could find a better way.  The pain is definitely not fun and no matter who you are, it is just not a comfortable test to have done emotionally either.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed for good news from all of my tests (or at least a reason for the weird symptoms).

Wanted - Boyfriend: I'm starting to think I should just put an ad out there somewhere and recruit one.  Why not?  We recruit for jobs and apparently spending time with me would be rather like a chore (or so I've been told), so maybe I should treat it like a job?  But what do you offer for this position?  What would make it an attractive position for someone to have?  I'll have to think about this further - I'm pretty sure a salary would be expected and that sounds downright illegal.  Plus, what would I do if no one applied?

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