Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 93: 12/13/11 - "Standing at the Edge of the Earth"

"Are you searching for words that you can't find
Trying to hide your emotions..."

-"Standing at the Edge of the Earth" by Blessid Union of Soul

Holiday Elf: Today I played Holiday Elf for the first time in two years.  I didn't realize how much I missed baking and delivering Christmas Cookies to people until I actually did it again today.  From what I could tell the cookies were well-received and I only have two bags left to deliver tomorrow (to our external people).  I don't know how long I'll continue doing this but I definitely think it could turn into a lucrative business if I could just get myself set up with the stock I need and an online storefront.  I'd also have to find out a way to improve the shipping (shipping costs are a royal pain!).  Maybe priority post would work?  I'd also have to make sure I bought plenty of bubble wrap!  Can't have broken cookies!  Of course, there is also the hilarity of me pretending to be an elf.  Will Farrell has a couple of inches on me but talk about a big elf!

Final Final: I gave my final exam for my class today.  I don't know overall how it went and tomorrow I'll have to look at the questions to see if there was anything unfair going on.  But from what I can see, most people who actually studied did well and got the grade they were hoping for in the class.  Others who were struggling already continued to struggle on the final.  I didn't purposely try to make it hard and since they had a study guide I guess there is no real excuse for some of the low points.  I've learned a lot this semester and I plan to write it all down one day soon but for now I'm just enjoying being one step closer to the end of the semester.

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