Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 95: 12/15/11 - "Foolish Games"

"Excuse me,
Guess I've mistaken you for somebody else
Somebody who gave a damn
Somebody more like myself..."

-"Foolish Games" by Jewel

Colds Suck!  Enough said...

Funny How Some Fires Get Lit:  I always find it very interesting when I try to get things done and certain people keep pouring water on my starter fire, making me start over from scratch.  But when they have something they want done (no matter the impetus), they somehow manage to find a way to light the biggest, brightest fire every seen!  And of course my little fire gets engulfed into theirs and I'm left with nothing but ashes.  Oh well, c'est la vie!

Open House...Open Doors...Missed Point?  We hosted our first commencement open house today and thought all of our cookies and most of our drinks went quickly, it was the students who took everything and not the guests we had intended it for (though we had already predicted that would happen).  We hope that we'll get better action on Saturday when the full commencement takes place.  Never hurts to try, right?

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