Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 102: 12/22/11 - "Say What You Want"

"You can say what you want 
but it won't change my mind
I'll feel the same about you
And you can tell me your reasons
but it won't change my feelings
I'll feel the same about you."

-"Say What You Want" by Texas

Knitting Fool!  That's me these days - I'm on the verge of finishing up two hats today (sorry, no pics available until they are completely done - I'll post them tomorrow).  My fingers are starting to ache a bit and I've noticed new callouses forming on my thumb and the inside of my index finger.  But I feel good about what I'm creating and I love the fact that I'm the one creating them.  I need something right now that makes me feel useful and creative, and my knitting is definitely that.

Some Decisions...Are harder than others, but I do believe that there is no such thing as a good or bad decision.  I've probably said "that was a bad decision" many times, but as I was asked to think about this today, I feel firmly that just like there is no such thing as good or bad luck, there is no such thing as good or bad decisions.  There are just decisions that must be made.  The results or ramifications of these decisions may be good or bad, but the decision itself is just that, a decision.

Some Decisions...Are easier to make than others.  I made one today that I know will have far reaching impacts on myself and my family, but it was definitely an easy decision to make.  Things will happen now that I've made this decision and getting the ball rolling is always important to reaching a final resting place.  I will reach it, sooner or later.  I would say wish me luck, but well...just see the above paragraph!

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