Sunday, December 4, 2011

Day 83: 12/03/11 - "Breathe (2AM)"

"It's 2am and she calls me cause I'm still awake
Can you help me unravel my latest mistake..."

-"Breathe (2AM) by Anna Nalick

Alien: Today I realize that though I love my family very much, I am not one of them. No, I do not mean genetically.  I am very much of their blood.  But some how, some way, I turned out to be a little different and that has never been more apparent to me than today.  I received a phone call from a member of my family and what they had to share was that they had screwed up...again.  I felt immediate anger but instead of yelling (as I wanted to) I said what I usually say.  What I really wanted to do was scream at them about how selfish they have been and how cowardly.  I don't understand it when people drink or do drugs as a way to deal with their problems.  It never solves the problem they are running from and it usually (as in this case) creates even more problems for them.  Problems that I will likely have to help them deal with and that will impact me more negatively than it does them.  Why am I the one who always has to pay?

I finally decided that I must have done something really terrible in a past life to deserve everything that is happening now.  I must have been mean and ungrateful to a wonderful family.  I must have taken everything for granted.  I bet I was beautiful and popular and rich.  I bet I had everything but didn't have enough sense to enjoy it.  Because now I have nothing and every day just seems to get worse.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do now - how to cope when the logical answer is the exact opposite of my personal make up.  How do I make myself get up every day when I know what I have to face?  Easy - I'm not a coward like the others.

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