Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 296: 7/3/12 - "Healing Hands"

"...We're all bought and sold
For tobacco, firearms and alcohol...
...Can't afford to be on the back burner no more
Now I got a lot of places to go

Cause the actions of a few

Have put a world in harms way...

Never forget..."

-"Healing Hands" by Citizen Cope

Patience, Please: It drives me crazy when someone else's impatience causes problems for me and nearly causes a crisis.  I had everything under control and was working on completing what I needed to complete.  I didn't need you sending an e-mail demanding that I do something.  I know you meant well - but you need to step back for a minute and realize that its not all about you and that you need to give the rest of us time to work within our own limits (we have other things to do, you know!).

Heartburn: I'm so disgusted with the state of things right now that I just have general heartburn all day now.  It doesn't matter what I eat..or don't eat.  I just wake up with it and go to sleep with it.  I know its the acid in my stomach and my thinking about all of the things I need to do.  I just wish I could find a way to clear it up.  Hope it clears up by itself soon! 

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