Monday, July 16, 2012

Day 309: 7/16/12 - "Half Moon Bay"

"You save my life with every word you say
You shine your light for me to find a way
Just hold me tight and cross your heart to stay..."

-"Half Moon Bay" by Train

The S*it Hitting the Fan...Again...It seems to never end around here!  Seriously, people, what are you thinking?  Oh, that's right - no thinking involved.  Oh well, we'll figure something out soon - though I'm sure that it won't happen before I'm gone.  Trying to fight these "I don't give a f*ck" feelings that keep going through me on a daily basis.  I'm better than that...aren't I?

Bars..Something New!  I was supposed to make fudge tonight but ran into a problem...not enough sugar in the house!  So I settled for making two different bar cookies.  They are cooking in the fridge so no pics tonight, but I'll post pics tomorrow.  I'm a little concerned about one of them - I got carried away with the vanilla at the end.  The only good news is that the recipe called for almond extract which is much stronger - if I had goofed with that, I likely would have ruined the entire batch!

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