Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 310: 7/17/12 - "Overjoyed"

"Over time, I've been building my castle of love
Just for two, though you never knew you were my reason...

And though the odds say improbable
What do they know
For in romance
All true love needs is a chance
And maybe with a chance you will find
You too like I
Overjoyed, over loved, over you, over you"

-"Overjoyed" by Stevie Wonder

Break It To Me Quickly: Sometimes giving bad news is harder than it should be.  There is some bad news that is impossible.  We all know this.  But there is other bad news that can be given in a way that is not as negative as it is often made out to be by the directives of others.  Let me do it my way, please, and see where we get.  Nope, you want us to do it your way, piecemeal, and people are upset because they know they aren't getting the full story.  The "I don't care" attitude is creeping up on me and I'm having to fight it down.

On a Lighter...Hmmm...Well, Sort of Lighter Note: Here are the pics of the baked goods from last night and links to the recipes.

I made the Almond Fudge Topped Shortbread recipe from Eaglebrand.com, and the Creamy Chocolate Streusel Bar (which was my favorite!), also from Eaglebrand.com.  Both were a bit of a doozy to make (having to make the "crust" and then make the filling is always a challenge when balancing two different recipes at the same time.  I'll have to make some adjustments for the next time, mostly with the almond fudge topped one (didn't let my sugar melt enough!).  The Chocolate Streusel was a bit of a pain in the butt to make, but tasty, tasty, tasty!  They were a hit at work (as usual), and I'll likely consider making them again.

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