Friday, October 14, 2011

Day 33: 10/14/11 - "Fields of Gold"

"I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken..."

- "Fields of Gold" by Eva Cassidy

Lost Time: Tonight I was hit by this overwhelming feeling that I'm losing time.  Not just the usual feeling of time passing quickly, but the sickening sensation that time is slipping away.  Stemming the tide of panic when this sensation hits is very difficult for me as I move quickly from this sensation to near-panic.  My heart-rate immediately jumps, tears fill my eyes, and I start gasping for air.  Luckily I'm still able to bring myself back to normal by simply telling myself to stop it - but what happens when simple words no longer work?

Toilet Paper Rolls: I know, this is a strange thing to be writing about, but I was not a happy camper when I went to change the empty toilet paper roll last night.  I immediately noticed that the new roll (which was from a new pack of Angel Soft toilet paper) was quite a bit shorter than the empty one I was removing.  I decided to measure and sure enough, it is nearly 1/2" shorter.  I calculated what this would mean in a whole pack and it means that I'm actually getting 1-1/2 fewer rolls of toilet paper.  I could easily tell when the ice cream companies started decreasing their packages, and I've seen it in other areas as well, but in my toilet paper? Really?  I'm completely disgusted by this, by the way...

Flossing Twice Daily Won't Keep the Dentist Away: At least, not permanently, but today I had a pretty good dental visit for my 6 month cleaning.  Only a few areas to watch and no major issues.  Now I get to wait for another 6 months to see if I can avoid the drill and costs of major dental work.  I did get a lecture on how to properly floss.  Who knew that you could floss twice a day and actually be doing it wrong?  I'll try out the new techniques suggested by the hygienist and see if they help...only 6 months to see what the impact is.

Book Sale of Death: Okay, so it's not that bad, but I swear I can't wait for this book sale to get started.  On Monday I'll have to go in early (and work late) so that I can finish everything.  I hope that it goes well - we got over 3,000 books donated!  It is an amazing site and we are selling them cheaply, so hopefully we will make some cash this year to donate.  But all I can really think about is how I can't wait for it to be over!

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