Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 44: 10/25/11 - "Want To"

"We could keep things just the same
Leave here the way we came..."

- "Want To" by Sugarland

Piling On: That's what it feels like right now, like everything is just piling on.  Here I am trying to feel better and trying to pick up my spirits, despite the sadness lingering over my life.  And then I get another announcement from a friend about their impending happiness, or someone posts new pictures and I'm ten steps back from where I was.  The tears come much quicker now than ever before.  I've already cried twice today and I know I'll cry myself to sleep tonight.  Sometimes you just know these things.

Baked Goods: My students made cupcakes and brought in pumpkin pie today for their class presentations!  I was surprised that they followed through (well, the pie group.  My cupcake group likes to bake!).  I tried a piece of the pumpkin pie (did not like it and won't eat it again!), but I couldn't finish it.  The cupcakes were tasty though and my students used the recipe I use for their buttercream.  It came out nice (and they colored it).  Sorry, no pictures for this one, I didn't have my camera.

Balancing My Life:  I read the chapter that my students have to read for class on Thursday and it made me laugh because it reminded me that I needed to learn how to balance my own life.  How can I talk to my students about balancing when I have none of my own?  I need to find time for myself somewhere in my life.  Even if I have to start doing things on my own, at least I need to start doing them.

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