Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Day 37: 10/18/11 - "Big Girls Don't Cry"

"...But I've got to get a move on with my life.
It's time to be a big girl now
And big girls don't cry..."

- Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie

Anything More than 10 Hours is Too Much: I wound up working a 13 hour day today.  My feet, back, and head are all telling me to never, ever do it again.  But my brain knows that it will happen again and probably within the next week or so.  We just don't have the coverage we need to cover people being off due to illness (their own or a family members).  My colleague covered last night, so I covered tonight.  But there is just no way to easily get through such long shifts when you have no warning.  If I had known how long of a day I would have, I would have chosen to dress differently (shoes are important); I would have packed both a lunch and a dinner (eating out costs me extra money I don't have).  And I would have planned other parts of my day to allow me to get more breaks or get meals so that I wouldn't starve throughout the day.  Needless to say that none of that happened because everything was done on the fly.  I got through it but it was painful at the end.

Book Sale - Day 2: So I found out that we cleared more than $800 at the book sale on the first day.  Apparently we only made $1200 the entire sale last week.  Today was much quieter, so I don't expect that we made as much money, but we likely broke last year's amount and it was only day 2!  We even sold the entire Encyclopedia Britannica to someone for only $30!  Now I just have 3 days left to get through (help!) and we may have more books being delivered tomorrow from our Downtown Campus (if they can get their act together - I refused to go pick them up, I don't have the time).

What I Miss the Most: The one good thing about tonight was that I got to be on the desk for a few hours in a row and this brought back such good memories.  I had forgotten how satisfying it is to help a number of students with such varied needs. Whether it is the person on chat who needs to find archives of magazines (what a struggle - our access was not great, but by the time we were done, they had a good start), the student trying to get the cloud application to work (we got it figured out without OIT's help!), or the student who needs to find The Breakfast Club DVD so that they can watch it (nostalgia for a great movie!).  I did not have one time tonight where I felt I failed a student.  It's rare for me to have a day with a sense of success...

Carson Palmer: I have to comment on this because I kept saying it would eventually happen - I just didn't know it would take an injury to Jason Campbell to facilitate it.  Carson Palmer said at the end of last year that he would not play again for the Bengals (yes, some could say he was sulking, pouting, or just downright being a big baby) and he stuck to his guns.  The Bengals said they wouldn't trade him (Really?  Why keep someone who doesn't want to be there?).  It looked like a stalemate with Palmer retired but boom!  Campbell gets hurt and Palmer is now wearing the silver and black.  I wish him luck.

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