Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 25: 10/6/11 - "Not Gon' Cry"

"Well I'm not gon cry,
I'm not gon cry,
I'm not gon shed no tears
No, I'm not gon cry,
it's not the time
cuz you're not worth my tears"

-"Not Gon' Cry" by Mary J. Blige

Midterm: So today my students had their midterm and I must say they truly did come into the class looking nervous (most of them) and based on the grading, I can say that some of them had reason to be worried.  It was difficult for me to grade because I want them to do well and I hurt for them when they struggle.  But the other part of me knows how easy I made the midterm and the students who did well, did so because they did the reading and work for the class.  So, no matter how bad I feel for the students who did not do well, I cannot feel too bad because obviously the test was manageable.  This will truly be a lesson for some of them on what they should have already been doing and what they will now need to do in order to get back on track.

10 Hour Days at Work, 4 More Hours at Home: That's been my schedule for the last week and now I realize why I'm so tired!  14 hour work days are not good for anyone, especially someone who is still recovering from major surgery!  Not that i can fix it or anything - that's the way it will be until I catch up or give up. Wonder which one will come first.

The Yankees Lose! Most people know that I'm not a Yankees fan, so watching them lose should make my day.  But truthfully, I'm just not that excited right now.  Kind of scary since I love sports so much.  I'm not even fussing about the whole TCU to the Big 12 discussion...might be good for us.  And what about Tiger's return (not that I care...but that's the point, I usually would care).  Please don't let me be losing something else I used to enjoy.  Things are tough enough as is - don't take away my leisure.

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