Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 65: 11/15/11 - "Trapped in a Box"

"Oh trapped in a box I'm not alone
I know of others with a box as their home
Light only enters from a crack or a hole
Oh this is not enough for a human to grow
Trapped in a box"

-"Trapped in a Box" by No Doubt

Just Ain't Right:  I can't figure this one out.  It makes absolutely no sense (and apparently comes from a brain fart of momentous size) but we're expected to not only understand it but to agree that it is the "right and best" idea.  And of course, even if we don't agree, it doesn't matter - it's going to happen.  What is the reason behind this?  Why does this make any kind of sense to anyone, let alone to the people in charge?  How come those who are working in the trenches, so to speak, aren't being listened to?  I think I need to write an expose, so I can be interviewed where I'm back-lit to protect my identity.  Let the suckiness begin...oh yeah, already started.

Why I Can't Get a Plant to Grow: I finally figured it out.  Plants won't grow for me because I'm creating a toxic atmosphere for them.  For those who know me, you know that I do have one plant that does grow (Eddie).  But Eddie is named after someone who had a partially toxic personality, so I think he thrives on the bad vibes I give off.  The other poor innocent plants can't survive against the poisons.  Oh well, guess I'll try to keep them alive but I won't feel too bad if they don't make it.  I'm absolving myself of all guilt for having a black thumb (brown isn't harsh enough).

Overwhelmed: I'm definitely at a stage of being overwhelmed right now.  Not sure where to start most days and I just try to get through with things as fast as I can.  Then I go home and work for a few more hours in an attempt to at least stay in visual distance to the goals I need to accomplish.  But I see myself falling farther and farther behind.  I know one day I'll be off of the radar and have no chance of even seeing, let alone touching the items I need to finish.

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