Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 68: 11/18/11 - "These Days"

"I wake up and tear drops they fall down like rain..."

-"These Days" by Rascal Flatts

To Go or Not: A friend gave me two tickets to the football game tomorrow.  It's UTSA's last one and I'm trying to decide if I want to go.  I originally turned her down because I knew I didn't have anyone to share the other ticket with and I didn't want to waste it, but she insisted that I should take it. I do want to go - it would be nice to see UTSA play a football game in this inaugural season.  But I'm already dreading the thought of trying to get downtown and the cost and the time.  Is it worth it?  Maybe I'll let the weather decide - if it is cold and rainy I'll stay put.  If it is nice, I'll go?

I Asked the Same Question!  I found it funny that someone asked me today why I was the one in charge of a new project. I laughed out loud and tried to explain to her what I felt the reasoning was.  But despite my explanation, we were both left shaking our head because it just didn't make sense.  I'm hoping I'm not the only one who realizes how ridiculous it is.  Don't they realize how much extra work it will take for me to get things together as one of the people least connected to the project?  Guess I'll just add it to the mounting pile of s*it I'm being asked to do.  Here's me, waiting for something to grow...

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