Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 71: 11/21/11 - "Second Chance"

"Tell my mother, tell my father
I've done the best I can
To make them realize, this is my life
I hope they understand..."

-"Second Chance" by Shinedown

Too Much: There's too much to do...too much to much to think about...too much to apologize much time lost that can't be reclaimed.  No wonder I don't know where to begin?  I'll have to try again tomorrow, though I already know that it will likely be a repeat of today.

Home? I head back to Tennessee in two days and I just realized that once again I'm not really going to a home.  I envy my friends who have family homes that they've known all of their lives and that they can return home to when they need to.  I return home only to the people, never sure where I'll lay my head or who will be upset by my choices.  I can only be glad its only for 3 days this time.  Normally that wouldn't be enough but this time around it is necessary.

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