Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 79: 11/29/11 - "Perfect"

"Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like you're nothing
You are perfect..."

-"Perfect" by Pink!

Late Night Chat: A colleague and I decided to do late night chat this week to see if we got any night owls.  She had two on the first night.  I've had only one on the 2nd night.  But I consider even these small numbers to be useful.  Not sure if anyone else would agree and I'm definitely tired, but it has been worth it.

Farewell, Junior: My friend's husband sent me a message on FB tonight letting me know that their dog, Junior, had passed away during emergency surgery on the day after Thanksgiving.  I had not called or spoken to my friend in over a year, partly because I've been so sad that I didn't want to bring her down.  But I had to call her tonight and try to at least express my condolences.  It was good to talk to her, though I hated the circumstances.  I'll remember to call her more often - I miss her and her husband - they were very much my family while I was in Raleigh and when I left I lost them just as I lost my other friends.

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