Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 159: 2/17/12 - "Everything You Want"

"I am everything you want
I am everything you need
I am everything inside of you
That you wish you could be
I say all the right things
At exactly the right time
But I mean nothing to you and I don't know why"

-"Everything You Want" by Vertical Horizon

Conferences: I'm going to be attending the FYE conference over the weekend and luckily it is local (here in SA) but unluckily, it is over the weekend as well!  I'm listening to the rain now and we are under a flash flood warning right now.  I'm actually going to be heading out to pick up a friend at the airport and I hope her flight gets in okay.  But what I'm really trying to focus on is getting some energy up to actually want to attend this conference.  If it weren't for the fact that they made me register as a presenter, I wouldn't have bothered.  The registration fee for this conference is over $500, so I'm going to attend so that I get my money's worth.

What You Want and What I Need: Funny how these two things don't ever match up for me.  Why is it that what someone else wants is not what I need, nor is it anything I want to actually give them?  And why do they think they deserve my time, energy, or love to begin with?  What have they done to earn it in the first place?  And yes, you have to earn love these days.  You can't just expect to have it given to you (though it can be pretty easy to earn).

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