Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 163: 2/21/12 - "I Need to Wake Up"

"'Cause I need to move, I need to wake up
I need to change, I need to shake up
I need to speak out, something's got to break up
I've been asleep and I need to wake up now..."

-"I Need to Wake Up" by Melissa Etheridge

To Be a Better Person: I struggle every day to be a better person.  Better than the thoughts running through my head that aren't nice or polite.  Better than the person I dream about.  Better than the one who comes home from work and can't figure out what she should be doing so she doesn't do anything.  It's this desire to be better than I am that leads me to continue to do nice things for people that I should really tell to go f*** themselves.  I don't do these things for them, I do them for myself...so that I might like myself a little better tomorrow than I do today...

I'm Famous...Well, Maybe Notorious!  I met a librarian today during the FYE conference who said that he knew of me...how odd to hear that!  Apparently my name still comes up in some instruction circles, though I'm beginning to wonder why.  I will say that it was flattering to think that someone wanted to work with me on creating some "generic" instruction modules.  He's the tech person but was interested in having someone do the writing part (which is where I'm better).  The funny part is that I was just thinking about this!  I was thinking that I wanted to sit down and try to construct out some info lit modules just for the experience of it...just to keep my self sharp...and to try out some things that have been floating in my head for a while.  We'll have to see if I can get this one up off the ground!

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