Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 156: 2/14/12 - "Love Don't Cost A Thing"

"All that matters is
That you treat me right
Give me all the thing I need
That money can't buy..."

"Love Don't Cost a Thing" by Jennifer Lopez

Bah, Humbug!  I sit here truly despising this holiday and wishing it were truly based on the idea of love and not on proving your love monetarily.  Why do people feel they need a holiday in order to tell the people they love, that they love them?  Why does someone buying you a dozen roses, chocolate, diamonds, etc., actually make some people feel more loved?  Now, I'll admit to being partially bitter...I've always been alone on this holiday and it is definitely a holiday marketed to couples.  But I also lump this holiday with the other holidays that have become so commercialized that no one even knows what the true meaning of the holiday is.  I took heart-shaped cookies into work today as my way of making sure that everyone go something for this holiday.  I don't try to tell others not to celebrate - I think it is great that some people find joy in this day.  But I do wish there were more people interested in sharing their love year round and without buying something, than those trying to, in essence, by love...

What Would You Do?  Having been at Harvard just about 8 months ago, and having met some of the librarians there, I'm finding the story of Harvard's reorganization to be fascinating.  The most recent story that has come out mentions that over 200 library staff members have been offered buyouts.  It left me wondering what I would do if I were in their situation?  I honestly don't know since I've never been at an institution where it was even a possibility.  But the people at Harvard will have to think about it seriously since they are also faced with what will happen to their jobs if they stay and wait for them to keep ironing things out.  It will be worth keeping an eye on the situation...

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