Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 146: 2/4/12 - "Are You Ready?"

"Hey Mr. Hero
Walking a thin fine line
Over the microscope of life
Remember your roots my friend
They're right down below
Cause heroes come and heroes go..."

-"Are You Ready?" - by Creed

Running: I was able to do 9 miles in 2 hours again today.  I actually would have cut nearly a minute off of my time but I hit the light next to my apartment complex and that slowed me down.  I'm finding the longer distances easier (though I still hurt after and start hurting more as they go on).  I definitely don't have trouble with 6 miles any more.  It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago (and even when I first moved here) I could barely complete the 6 miles without passing out.  Today when I hit 6 miles I still felt really good!  It was right around mile 7.5 that I started to notice fatigue.  Add that to the fact that the path I chose to run today was full of hills!  It also looks like I can try running down 1604 as an option - it was a little dicey at the end of the first half of the run since I have to cross over to the other side, but today it worked out nicely.  I'm hoping to get to 10 miles as my next milestone.  And I have a 5K to do in a couple of weeks.  I should be well trained.

My Top 10 Reasons Why Running Outside Can be Dangerous:
  •  Distracted Drivers - it's amazing how people can't stay inside their lanes!
  • Finicky Weather - it may start out sunny and rain..or rainy and get hot and muggy...
  • Distance from Home - if you get tired or injure yourself, you still have to turn around and go back home...which can be a pretty substantial distance depending on how far you've gone.
  • Momentum Interruptions - having to cross streets and wait for lights to be safe can really slow you down.
  • Broken Glass - you'd be appalled at the amount of broken glass that exists outside.  Having to dodge this can get really difficult.
  • Disappearing Sidewalks - sometimes they just don't finish the sidewalks, which means you have to run on changing landscapes.
  • Dogs - doesn't happen often here, but there is always the potential for dogs who are loose and want to chase you.
  • Construction - it can really throw off traffic and your running routes.
  • Potholes - they come out of nowhere and you have to avoid them or risk major injury.
  • Standing Water - it harbors bugs and is messy if you have to run through one! 
Self-Doubts: Today was one of those days when self-doubts crept into my head and I was very unproductive.  I've found that I can't work when my mind is racing and full of questions that I don't have answers for.  I'm just now coming out of that feeling though it is not completely gone.  I think that these self-doubts are natural, but they are also poisonous in their ability to derail me as I attempt to get things done.  I'll have to hope that tomorrow is better since the time is and my tired body are pushing me towards an early night.

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