Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 152: 2/10/12 - "Too Much"

"I eat too much
I drink too much
I want too much
Too much"

"Too Much" by Dave Matthews Band

One More Day to Dream: I have one more day to dream before reality will creep in.  It's actually difficult to hold on to the dream since I know that reality is waiting for me around the corner.  All the signs are there - all the indicators that the dream will die are crawling slowly towards my heart, though my mind has already acknowledged them.  Tonight I'll go to sleep and have one more night to dream about you and when I wake in the morning, I'll cry until I can't breathe...then I'll get up and go on.

What's My Motivation?  I'm trying to figure out what my motivation in life is now.  I'm looking at my life and trying to analyze things in a logical way.  But the questions seem to get tougher and the answers more elusive.  Why do I go to work every day?  Why do I try to work on those things that I know I'll never accomplish?  why do I bother believing in anything any more?  Why don't I give up?  What is my motivation?

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