Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 160: 2/18/12 - "Drive in Drive Out"

"I hear more than I like to...
So I boil my head in a sense of humor...
I laugh at what I cannot change...
I throw it all on the pile again...go then and do this
I'd do it for you...
When all that I want is so badly to be...
By myself again...
It's going to drive me right out of my brain"

-"Drive in Drive Out" by The Dave Matthews Band

Like a Hamster on a Wheel:  I hate running on a treadmill and I now realize that I truly can't do long distances on them.  Today I tried to run 9 miles and the first problem I had was that I couldn't set the time for longer than 95 minutes (it takes me 120 to run 9 miles).  And then I had trouble with the heat of the room and wound up losing more sweat than I do when I run outside in nice weather.  I only made it to 6 miles before I had to stop.  The final straw was the sheer boredom!  I was so bored just running and looking at the same thing every minute.  I'll be glad if the rain clears up and I can run outside in the future...though when the heat starts, I'll be in trouble for another reason.

A Non-Library Conference: Today the FYE conference opened and I headed downtown for the Opening Keynote and the Opening Reception.  The Keynote speaker was Dewayne Matthews and I actually liked his speech and how he handled himself.  The reception showed me just why the darn conference costs so drinks (though only 1 before the cash bar came in), real food and expensive side items is where a lot of that money must have gone.  Not sure how I feel about that - I know I wouldn't normally want to pay extra for the food at the conference, especially when it is in my home town and I can stay at home and eat my own food.  Oh well, we will see how I'm able to get up tomorrow to attend some sessions - off to bed now!

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