Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 168: 2/26/12 - "Around Here"

"Around here, we always stand up straight
Round here, something radiates..."

-"Around Here" by The Counting Crows

The Voice: I know I'm not a singer, but I would love to have the chance to be on a show like The Voice.  The Voice truly gives people who love to sing the chance to be heard by four amazing artists who have different tastes in music.  I have to admit that there are times when I disagree with them and think they either should turn around or not have turned around, but I do feel that I'm impacted by the very thing that they aren't, and that's the back story of the person and how they look.  I know I'd never be anyone's idea of a music superstar based on how I look, and no doubt I wouldn't really wow them with my voice, but to have a chance!  There are times when I sing when even I realize I sound really good...and then there are times when I sounds like something that is dying a slow painful death.  But to have a chance...

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