Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 144: 2/2/12 - "The Man Who Can't Be Moved"

"'Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me
And your heart starts to wonder where on this earth I could be
Thinking maybe you'll come back here to the place that we'd meet
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street

So I'm not moving
I'm not moving"

-"The Man Who Can't Be Moved" by The Script

Is Luck Real?  I ask myself this question all the time and many of my friends ask me the same thing.  Why am I asking this question today?  Because I won a Kindle Fire from a random drawing of webinar participants and all of my FB friends said "you always win."  I think they are right in some ways, but I think it has less to do with luck and more to do with making sure that I always enter things.  They say you can't win if you don't play, so I extend this to you can't win if you don't enter!  I'll tell you what I think of the Kindle Fire when I get it.  I'm still waiting on the company to contact me to arrange to have it shipped here. I must say that I've been wanting an e-reader, but I've been refusing to buy one, so again something works out in my favor to manage to get one into my possession.  Of course, now I have to buy books for it...but I can live with that!

Benadryl Makes Me Have Bad Dreams: I've decided this is the case since I followed my first night of nightmares with another nightmare.  I didn't post it the next day as I normally would have - likely because I was trying to decide if it was maybe worthy of a sci-fi story.  Here goes my strange dream from the 2nd night I took Benadryl.  I was part of an elite military team that ran across something buried in the middle of a desert.  The problem was that we didn't know what the thing was that we had found and we also didn't know where the desert had come from since it didn't appear on any map.  We decided to move the item out of the desert and as we got closer to what appeared to be a forest we notice that there are clouds rolling in.  Suspect a major storm, we look up and as lightening flashes we realize that what we thought was a cloud is really an alien vessel!  It had an odd shape, sort of like a misshapen head and it had long tentacles hanging from it.  It was a dark greyish black color (which allowed it to blend in with the clouds).  We started racing for the trees since we figured it was after whatever we found and all of a sudden the giant black, spider-like things start coming down from the trees to attack us.  We scramble away from them, up a hill into another sandy area (not desert, just sandy) and as one of the black "spiders" lands on the sand, a worm-like creature comes out of the ground and eats it!  We weren't afraid of the worms, though we were very afraid of the aliens and the spiders.  I woke up at this point thinking that I really should never take Benadryl ever again!

Miss Celie, I Feels Like Singing!  I always laughed  little at that scene in The Color Purple as Shug Avery runs to the juke joint to sing.  Today I finally realized that my laughter wasn't at Shug, but with her as I always feel like singing.  Even as I sit here and type I have Pandora running and I'm singing as I type.  Even though I'm fighting coughing fits and laryngitis, I feel like singing.  Even when I'm sad and ready to cry, I feel like singing a sad song.  Even when I'm angry and ready to scream, I feel like singing.  I may not be good and I may never be a professional, but like Shug, I Feels Like Singing!

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