Monday, April 9, 2012

Day 211: 4/9/12 - "I'm About to Come Alive"

"Maybe I'm not but you're all I got left to believe in
Don't give up on me
I'm about to come alive
And I know that it's been hard
And it's been a long time coming
Don't give up on me
I'm about to come alive"

-"I'm About to Come Alive" by Train or David Nail

So Not Ready: I'm so worried about the workshop my students are teaching on Wednesday.  I feel they just aren't ready.  They haven't had enough time and neither have I.  I also don't know if they will have an audience or not.  Though I feel rushed, we have worked hard to pull this together.  It would be sad if no one bothered to come to the workshop but attending library workshops is not usually as high on the list of students as librarians would like for it to be.  I made 3 batches of cookies tonight as a treat for anyone who does attend.  And I got a colleague to ask her parents to donate free smoothie coupons as prizes for a game that the students will play. I think I'll bring out the Libraries' bags for swag.

Baking: No matter how tired I am, I still have no trouble doing massive amounts of baking!  I finished 3 batches of 3 different types of cookies in under 2 hours.  Tonight I made a large batch of peanut butter cookies, a batch of snickerdoodles, and a batch of oatmeal cookies.  Tomorrow is chocolate chip, chocolate with white chips, and M&M cookie baking night.

My "Famous" Snickerdoodles


Peanut Butter...Yum!

 All The Lights Were Red: I'm not kidding.  I went to pick up my contacts this morning and when I arrived at a set of lights at a major intersection, I noticed a whole slew of cars in front of me running the red light!  I was thinking it had just turned red and they were being aggressive.  But then I realized that all of the lights were stuck on red (not flashing...just red!).  We all sat there looking at each other trying to figure out who should go.  I think some of the people who lived/worked in that area were used to it and they were trying to direct traffic, but it was so strange, considering that none of the lights were flashing.

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