Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Day 213: 4/11/12 - "Warning"

"What's so wrong with being happy?
Kudos to those who see through sickness, yeah
Over and over
And over and over

She woke in the morning
She knew that her life had passed her by
And she called out a warning
'Don't ever let life pass you by'"

-"Warning" by Incubus

How I Miss It!  Today I got a small taste of library instruction again for the first time in nearly 2 years and it was exhilarating.  The pressure of getting materials read on time; setting up the room; double checking your presentation; waiting to see if anyone will show up; greeting those who do; and then the actual session itself.  I say I only got a taste because I wasn't the one teaching.  My peer coaches had their session today and I was very proud of them!  There are 5 of them and we split the workshop into 5 sections.  They did a great job, including drawing a concept map on the board and getting the students in the class to help break down the topic.  We played a game with the clickers and awarded prizes.  And I made lots of cookies as a treat for everyone (as one of my students said after we gave out the prizes - "And everyone gets cookies!").  Afterwards I was practically vibrating with energy and talking way too fast and feeling as if I could run a marathon! I crashed about an hour later, but it was a good crash (just back down to reality).  But I was reminded of what I used to love about being a librarian, and I miss it. :-(  But on the bright side - 19 people showed up for the workshop and the students handled it very well!

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