Sunday, April 1, 2012

Day 203: 4/1/12 - "Circle of Friends"

"But, I quit. I give up.
Nothing's good enough for anybody else
it seems.
And I quit. I give up.
Nothing's good enough for anybody else
it seems.

And being alone

is the best way to be.
When I'm by myself it's
the best way to be.
When I'm all alone it's
the best way to be.
When I'm by myself
nobody else can say goodbye."

-"Circle of Friends" by Edie Brickell

I Don't Like the Heat: Today it had to be at least 90.  I really hope it was Mother Nature playing an April Fool's joke on us weather-wise, because if not, it is going to be one hella hot spring/summer/fall.  I actually managed to do some spring cleaning today and finished the guest room, guest bath, foyer laundry room, dining room, and kitchen.  Next weekend will be the living room, master bed, closet, and master bath.  Sadly, due to my habit of being a lazy slob, those spaces are complete train wrecks that will take another few hours of, it was just too darn hot today and I also had to fix dinner and lunch for the week.

Off to Bed with Aches and Pains: Ever had one of those days where everything just hurts but you aren't sick (flu)?  I'm having that today.  I swear, my hip, my back, my arms, my head, my neck, my stomach, my legs, my ankle, both feet, right knee.  Jeez...I think I'm out of body parts that can hurt, but I shouldn't say that too loud - I'm sure my body can find other ways to make me suffer.

Weekend Blues: I've really got to try to find something fun to do on the weekends.  This sitting around the house (even if I'm cleaning) is getting old and beyond boring.  I'd really rather have something to do other than worry about whether I should wash my hair or not (boring!).  And though I really like taking advantage of the Starz free preview, sitting around and watching TV is not what I had in mind either.

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