Monday, August 6, 2012

Day 330: 8/6/12 - "Strange Days"

"Are you crazy to want this
Even for awhile...
...The reasons for being are easy to pay
You can't remember the others
They just kind of went away
So you're driving, it's rush hour
The cars on the freeway are moving like slugs
When you drift off to wake up
Do you always hit the brakes..."

-"Strange Days" by Matthew Good Band

Little Gifts: I try to remind myself that there are things in this life that are true treasures though they may not have any monetary value.  Then I have to remind myself that it is often up to me to give out these small gifts for others.  It is hard for me to not ask "when will I get mine?" But I know that some questions do not deserve an answer and my selfishness dictates that I, in turn, don't deserve an answer.  So, instead of asking "when do I get mind?" I continue to try to give out more to others.  Maybe one day I'll earn the right to get some for myself but if I pursue them, then they will flee.  I must learn to be more patient, and I must wait....I must wait.

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