Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Day 339: 8/15/12 - "Do What You Have To Do"

"And I have the sense to recognize that
I don't know how to let you go
Every moment marked
With apparitions of your soul
I'm ever swiftly moving
Trying to escape this desire
The yearning to be near you
I do what I have to do..."

-"Do What You Have to Do" by Sarah McLachlan 

I Have Had It!  Okay, Verizon. You win the award for the worst customer service and the worst company I've ever dealt with, and that includes the assholes from Bank of America.  Why are you worse than them?  Because you make no attempts to correct the mistakes made by your customer service representatives.  Despite your rep admitting that someone made a mistake, to her, telling me that the mistake was made and that the reps will be told to not do that anymore is the equivalent of solving my problem.  It doesn't solve my problem at all and I'm left wondering how I keep getting the most incompetent people when I try to get any help.  So, thank you Verizon, for reminding me of just how piss poor you are at customer service, and for also reminding me of how much I hate all businesses because obviously you only care about the money you make and not your customers at all.

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