Monday, May 14, 2012

Day 246: 5/14/12 - "Gravity"

"Set me free, leave me be
I don't wanna fall another moment into your gravity
Here I am and I stand so tall
I'm just the way I'm supposed to be..."

-"Gravity" by Sara Bareilles

Fresh is Best:  I revamped my strawberry cupcakes with strawberry frosting.  Instead of pureeing the strawberries for the frosting, I chopped them into small chunks and then mixed them in after I had already made the buttercream.  I had a little trouble piping them since the frosting had chunks of strawberries in it, but the color is great and the flavor was nice and fresh!  I hope it stays that way - I'm not sure what will happen after they are refrigerated for a day.  I suspect that a day is all they will last.  I also made a lemon cupcake with a lemon buttercream. I may have overdone the lemon slightly, but it was super tangy and I really like it that way.  It makes up for the fact that the cake itself is flavored more subtly with the lemon.  I'm discovering that though it is tougher to determine consistency, etc., the flavors are much better when you use fresh ingredients.  No dyes to create the color of the cupcakes themselves, or the icing.  No puddings to get the strawberry flavor (if you want strawberry, make it with strawberries, not some flavoring that has all kinds of non-strawberry items in it!).

Strawberry Cupcakes

Lemon Cupckaes
Someone Else's Pain: Tonight I know I won't sleep but not because of my own pain or issues that I'm dealing with, but because of someone else's pain.  I waited to see remorse or any inkling of care for the upheaval they were causing today and saw none of it.  It was almost as if they didn't care at all.  I'm not cut out to be that cut throat or uncaring about someone else.  I don't fit in here - it's time to listen to my heart and go where it can be happy.

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