Friday, May 25, 2012

Day 257: 5/25/12 - "Something to Believe In"

"You wake up every morning looking for your answer
You're waiting for your sign...
You swear the world has got you backed into a corner
But no one holds your hand to walk into a fight...

You spend your days alone still hopin' for the truth, oh

But all you hear are lies
But no on else is gonna tell you what to do now
No one else is gonna help you hold the line

You say, "keep my head from going down"

Just for a little, just for a little
Watch my feet float off the ground
Just for a little, just for a little
Love, if you can hear this sound
Oh, just give me something, something to believe in..."

"Something to Believe In" by Parachute

What To Do When There is Too Much To Do?  That's what I'm trying to figure out right now.  There is a lot that can be done and a lot that should be done, but for some reason these two things just aren't matching up!  I'm going to have to use Monday (I'll be at work for Memorial Day...all myself...with the few students who have no lives either) to figure a few things out.  Maybe I'll be able to prioritize some things (while I'm waiting for someone else's input about a number of other things that cannot move forward without them).  I'm discovering that trying to get anything done on a long holiday weekend is nearly futile.  But it also means that I might be able to tackle my inbox to the point of clearing it out completely (what a dream!).  And then maybe I'll work on those projects that have been left idling for a few weeks (if not months).  Then of course there is the LIRT manual review project that I now have input back on, and the Immersion applications for review.  Something tells me that I'm going to be pretty darn busy on Monday!

Crossroads...Again: I find myself back at the crossroads again.  I thought I had moved away from this location with my trip down to sunny Florida, but that trip simply sent me back to the crossroads, so I'll start the decision process all over again. 

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